Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (SHM) has announced its new brand “AFEELA”, and unveiled a prototype at CES 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

SHM will develop the production model based on this prototype, and plans to start taking pre-orders in the first half of 2025, commence sales by the end of 2025, and to begin delivery from spring in 2026 in North America. The all new electric prototype is with a total of 45 cameras and sensors inside and outside the vehicle. In-car cameras and Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors*3 detect the driver and car’s situation to help avoid accidents.
Prototype Highlights:
- Mobility space turned into entertainment space by integrating real and virtual worlds teaming up with Epic Games
- Strategic technology partnership with Qualcomm Technologies
- People centric minimalist interior
- Level 3 automated drive under limited conditions
- Level 2+ driver assistance in urban driving.
- Personalized in car experience via cloud-service connectivity
- Augmented reality enabled navigation

“We aim to create a new mobility lifestyle by leading people’s hearts and minds towards an open, pleasant and exciting experience. To realize this, we aim to revolutionize the mobility space as a Mobility Tech Company, alongside like-minded people who are pioneering a new future with creativity, through cutting-edge technology, and with passion” stated Chairman and CEO Yasuhide Mizuno.